Source code for ckg.report_manager.apps.loginApp

from ckg.report_manager.apps import basicApp
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html

[docs]class LoginApp(basicApp.BasicApp): """ Defines the login App Enables user to access the reports """ def __init__(self, title, subtitle, description, layout=[], logo=None, footer=None): self.pageType = "loginPage" basicApp.BasicApp.__init__(self, title, subtitle, description, self.pageType, layout, logo, footer) self.buildPage()
[docs] def buildPage(self): """ Builds page with the basic layout from ** and adds the login form. """ self.add_basic_layout() login_form = html.Div([html.Form([ dcc.Input(placeholder='username', name='username', type='text'), dcc.Input(placeholder='password', name='password', type='password'), html.Button('Login', type='submit')], action='/apps/login', method='post')]) self.add_to_layout(login_form)