Create a new user in the graph database


CKG has implemented a simple authentication and user management method, but industry-accepted platforms, vendors, or libraries should be used in a production setup.

The creation of a new user includes two steps:

  1. The user who is currently logged-in in the database and invoking the commands, has to add the new user to the system and attribute it a role, by default reader.

  2. Each user is added in the graph database as a new User node, with attributes: id, username, name, acronym, email, secondary email, phone number, affiliation, rolename and expiration date.

There are multiple ways to create a new user:

From the command line: (one user at a time)

$ cd ckg/graphdb_builder/builder
$ python -u username -d password -n name -e email -s second_email -p phone_number -a affiliation

From an excel file: (multiple users)

$ cd ckg/graphdb_builder/builder
$ python -f path/to/excel/file

For help on how to use, run:

$ python -h


If you want to have spaces (” “) in any of the arguments (e.g. -n name), you need to have the argument value within quotes “” (e.g. -n “John Smith”). The same applies to other arguments like affiliation.

From an CKG’s app:

In CKG’s app there is an Admin section that provides the option to create users in the database.



When creating a new user through the app, the initial password is the samne as the username.