Batch correction

The Clinical Knowledge Graph (CKG) can be used to remove batch effects in the data. CKG uses the library pyComBat (, which uses empirical Bayes frameworks for adjusting data for batch effects.

Batch effects can arise from pre-analytical conditions such as sampling technique or storage conditions or they can arise during the experimental procedure itself, such as different plates, dates, ms-machine, column or lc.

When an experiment is uploaded to CKG, the batch of each sample can be specified in the experimental design file column: batch. At the time of generating the report, you can choose to correct any batch effect by indicating in the configuration args two parameters:

  • batch_correction (bool): whether or not to run the correction

  • batch_col (str): what column defines the batch (generally, batch)

CKG’s analytical pipeline will take these parameters into account and run batch correction accordingly.

Here, we exemplify how to use CKG analytic_core functionality to correct the batch effect from 2 different cohorts of COVID-19 plasma samples that were combined in this study. The files were downloaded from PRIDE - identifiers:

  • PXD020580

  • PXD023016


For convenience, files are provided in the tmp folder (tmp/batch_correction) together with a generated experimental design file with what we could extract from the metadata. There can be differences with the actual study due to mapping issues but it is a good example of how batch effect is corrected in CKG.

To upload these files in CKG:

  1. Create a new project

  2. In the Data upload page, upload the experimental design (contains all the samples) and one of the proteomics files (i.e PXD020580)

  3. Once these files are uploaded, upload the second proteomics file (i.e PXD023016).

To visualize in a PCA how the batch effect correction is removed from the proceesed dataset, you can add in the analysis configuration a section like this:

    data: uncorrected_batch
        - pca
        - pca
            - sample
            - sample
            - subject
            - group
        group: batch
        x_title: PC1
        y_title: PC2
        components: 2
        init: 'pca'
        width: 1000
        height: 700
        loadings: 15
        factor: 50
        title: 'Sample stratification with PCA - uncorrected batch effect - Batch'


In this notebook, we will load the original dataset from the uploaded project and follow the processing and batch effect correction steps.

import os
import pandas as pd

import ckg.ckg_utils as ckg_utils
from ckg.graphdb_builder import builder_utils
from ckg.graphdb_builder.experiments.parsers import proteomicsParser

from ckg.report_manager import project
from import analytics
from ckg.analytics_core.viz import viz

from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
%matplotlib inline
c:\users\sande\.conda\envs\pip_rev\lib\site-packages\outdated\ OutdatedPackageWarning:

The package pingouin is out of date. Your version is 0.3.11, the latest is 0.3.12.
Set the environment variable OUTDATED_IGNORE=1 to disable these warnings.

WGCNA functions will not work. Module Rpy2 not installed.
R functions will not work. Module Rpy2 not installed.

The results from the CKG app can be visualized and further analyzed here

p = project.Project(identifier='P0000017', configuration_files={}, datasets={}, knowledge=None, report={})
original_data = p.get_dataset("proteomics").get_dataframe("original")
LFQ_intensity batch group identifier name sample subject
0 24.032210 2 Negative P04217 A1BG 39pool PXD020580_68
1 22.818177 2 Negative P04217 A1BG 173_pool PXD020580_11
2 21.312409 2 Negative P04217 A1BG 11_pool PXD020580_37
3 22.561322 2 Negative P04217 A1BG 30_pool PXD020580_18
4 23.135537 2 Negative P04217 A1BG 198_pool PXD020580_165
processed_data = analytics.get_proteomics_measurements_ready(original_data,
                                                              index_cols=['group', 'sample', 'subject', 'batch'],
identifier group sample subject batch A1BG~P04217 A2M~P01023 AARS1~P49588 ABHD12B~Q7Z5M8 ACBD3~Q9H3P7 ACO2~Q99798 ... XRCC5~P13010 XRCC6~P12956 YBX1~P67809 YWHAB~P31946 YWHAE~P62258 YWHAG~P61981 YWHAH~Q04917 YWHAQ~P27348 YWHAZ~P63104 ZG16B~Q96DA0
0 Negative 11_pool PXD020580_37 2 21.312409 26.548911 20.405800 20.855230 21.046427 23.970005 ... 20.459354 19.064410 19.861664 22.851252 18.866241 20.314623 21.532212 18.000125 20.192224 26.406718
1 Negative 12_pool PXD020580_38 2 18.947086 20.850335 18.897968 20.118419 23.031672 20.386911 ... 19.522988 20.895987 19.656218 19.898359 22.884871 19.358429 17.088187 19.988028 25.780417 27.887858
2 Negative 13_pool PXD020580_39 2 18.930766 19.620407 22.170997 19.579852 22.880057 17.551108 ... 17.905797 20.626525 19.705407 20.674868 19.741435 19.140199 19.315568 20.172576 25.787782 27.925526
3 Negative 173_pool PXD020580_11 2 22.818177 26.481222 22.629387 20.448801 24.477475 27.418765 ... 22.193099 23.641741 23.097641 27.678553 29.066149 28.566815 23.855478 28.147635 29.543552 22.736469
4 Negative 175pool PXD020580_12 2 17.761723 19.701719 19.539977 18.480560 27.456776 18.619836 ... 18.825366 20.068438 18.434687 20.849923 20.595838 18.757111 20.322045 19.980570 23.856714 27.073165

5 rows × 439 columns

processed_data_corrected = analytics.combat_batch_correction(data=processed_data, index_cols=['group','sample','subject'], batch_col = 'batch')
Found 2 batches.
Adjusting for 0 covariate(s) or covariate level(s).
Standardizing Data across genes.
Fitting L/S model and finding priors.
Finding parametric adjustments.
Adjusting the Data
c:\users\sande\.conda\envs\pip_rev\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ VisibleDeprecationWarning:

Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray

identifier group sample subject A1BG~P04217 A2M~P01023 AARS1~P49588 ABHD12B~Q7Z5M8 ACBD3~Q9H3P7 ACO2~Q99798 ACOX1~Q15067 ... XRCC5~P13010 XRCC6~P12956 YBX1~P67809 YWHAB~P31946 YWHAE~P62258 YWHAG~P61981 YWHAH~Q04917 YWHAQ~P27348 YWHAZ~P63104 ZG16B~Q96DA0
0 Negative 11_pool PXD020580_37 22.679424 26.405897 19.993245 24.080817 20.322720 22.965131 22.374179 ... 20.097775 18.957149 19.292474 22.088503 18.137226 19.858514 20.978543 17.626513 19.568032 25.653277
1 Negative 12_pool PXD020580_38 20.108900 20.601108 18.573382 23.253694 22.041474 19.848725 19.299928 ... 19.285468 20.596626 19.111939 19.504370 21.697131 19.009884 17.024859 19.434463 24.727817 27.114564
2 Negative 13_pool PXD020580_39 20.091164 19.348256 21.655458 22.649113 21.910212 17.382279 18.254541 ... 17.882538 20.355426 19.155163 20.183908 18.912517 18.816204 19.006477 19.602306 24.734618 27.151727
3 Negative 173_pool PXD020580_11 24.315824 26.336947 22.087105 23.624571 23.293200 25.964700 20.581386 ... 21.601817 23.054399 22.136081 26.312967 27.172820 27.182400 23.045467 26.855436 28.202459 22.032220
4 Negative 175pool PXD020580_12 18.820703 19.431083 19.177935 21.415079 25.872574 18.311807 23.261753 ... 18.680274 19.855873 18.038521 20.337102 19.669390 18.476210 19.901902 19.427681 22.951590 26.310791

5 rows × 438 columns

PCA with Uncorrected Data

As it can be seen, the PCA plot shows clear “batch effect” separating both proteomics experiments (batch 1: PXD023016, batch 2: PXD020580).

r, nargs = analytics.run_pca(data = processed_data, drop_cols=['sample', 'subject', 'group'], group='batch', annotation_cols=['sample'], components=2, dropna=True)
plot = viz.get_pca_plot(r, identifier='pca', args=nargs)#{'loadings':15, 'title':'PCA Plot', 'x_title':'PC1', 'y_title':'PC2', 'group':'group','height':900, 'width':900})
r, nargs = analytics.run_pca(data = processed_data, drop_cols=['sample', 'subject', 'batch'], group='group', annotation_cols=['sample', 'batch'], components=2, dropna=True)
plot = viz.get_pca_plot(r, identifier='pca', args=nargs)#{'loadings':15, 'title':'PCA Plot', 'x_title':'PC1', 'y_title':'PC2', 'group':'group','height':900, 'width':900})

PCA with Corrected Data

The PCA shows that both experiments are now integrated and the batch effect is removed.

r, nargs = analytics.run_pca(data = processed_data_corrected, drop_cols=['sample', 'subject'], group='group', annotation_cols=['sample'], components=2, dropna=True)
plot = viz.get_pca_plot(r, identifier='pca', args=nargs)#{'loadings':15, 'title':'PCA Plot', 'x_title':'PC1', 'y_title':'PC2', 'group':'group','height':900, 'width':900})
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